100% Natural Iberian Pork
Like the rest of our organic meats, the pork cuts we offer on Delicious Secret are carefully chosen to offer you the best possible quality in the respect of animal welfare. All stages of their breeding have been considered to allow the optimal development of the animal.
Our black-haired and dark-pink Iberian pigs are thus bred in an ideal environment, namely the oak forests, out of respect for their natural way of feeding. They are therefore fed with the natural resources of the pastures, which are 100% natural acorns rich in carbohydrate that will help in the production of good animal fat.
In addition to grazing resources, pigs benefit from 100% organic and non-GMO cereals: soy, wheat, oats and corn thanks to a carefully chosen diet by a nutritionist. Moreover, pigs receive no antibiotics outside of cases of persistent disease. Finally, they are sent to the slaughterhouse one day before by small batch, to be douched with hot water and anesthetized to avoid any unnecessary stress and suffering.
According to the Less Saves The Planet label and in order to preserve our planet, we recommend you to limit your meat consumption to 130gr per person by dividing this piece for several meals or by sharing it.