« To live in clover! »
Isn’t it the dream of most of us?
Well at Fadi Prestige, the poultries do live in clover. One could think this expression was specially made for them! Exactly!
Yes, we take pride in saying that our poultries are pampered, spoiled, that they have a happy life and that we only raise « Happy chickens »!
By the bye, we will tell you about their life in their family hotel, in the sun and not too far from the sea… and you won’t believe it!

Our organic poultry range is today the largest available on the market: yellow free-range chickens, black chickens, Black C female chickens, blue guinea fowls, Barbarie ducks. Our farm is therefore beautifully colored with all these feathers… just like the cabaret is. You know, this place where we sing the song “Mon truc en plume” (my thing made of feathers)!

Farming and feeding
Well that, you won’t believe it!
Realize that our poultries really have it easy! They have an incredible life! That’s simple, it doesn’t look like an organic farm, but like a holiday center in the middle of the countryside where they breathe a good sea wind that gives them energy.
Then, they live longer than what the current regulations recommend, from 81 to 100 days: the yellow chickens live 81 days, the black chickens 91 days, the Barbarie Duck 84 days, the blue guinea fowl 94 days and the Black C female chicken 100 days!

Last but not least
What makes a good poultry more tasty is the difference in how long they lived but also how they are fed. Ours have a nutritionist who only gives them good food, that is to say: 100% of the agricultural ingredients are products via organic farming* (wheat, corn, barley, oats, peas, field beans and broad beans). Under no circumstances are they given amino acids. Our Black C Female Chickens even receive a “final touch” and are fed with organic flaxseed and organic milk during the last 15 days of their life. It is normal that, thanks to this gastronomic feeding, they have an incredible, well developed, noticeable and delicate taste.
And even better, something no one ever saw before! There is a mill on site used to process the 100% organic cereals into feed, which grants an authentic traceability.
If one would get sick, the poultry has a doctor who will take good care of her! But be aware that he is not a general practitioner who gives her antibiotics. No, the use of substances to enhance the growth or the weight of the animal is strictly forbidden. He is therefore a phytotherapist who takes care of these demoiselles by giving them herbs and garlic infusion. They are treated like princesses! Let’s dare to say it… like luxury chicks!